Further emergengy assistance
Here you can find more emergency centres in the Ostholstein district, iel and Hamburg that offer immediate help in crisis situations.
Ostholstein district | 6 councelling centres
Victims of violence and crime
- The Weißer Ring e.V. in the district of Ostholstein is the contact for victim assistance and crime prevention. The trained - voluntary - staff offer competent and targeted human help. Counselling and help are free of charge and, if desired, anonymous.
Hilfe explizit für Frauen
- Frauenberatung und Notruf Ostholstein e.V. (Women's Counselling and Emergency Call Ostholstein) is an accredited counselling centre that focuses on outpatient violence against women and girls. They support women* and girls* from the age of 14 in cases of physical, psychological and sexual violence in childhood and/or currently, in cases of violence in partnerships or families (domestic violence) as well as (sexual) harassment.
- Biff Lübeck e.V. is a politically and denominationally independent psychosocial counselling centre in Lübeck and offers a wide range of help for women and girls from the age of 12. They support girls and women in coping with their current problematic situation and in developing individual solution options and life perspectives.
- Frauenkommunikationszentrum Aranat e.V. is a publicly funded women's counselling centre. Aranat e.V. has taken on the task of providing multi-layered psychosocial counselling, migration social counselling as well as meeting places, groups, intercultural meeting opportunities and information for women.
Help explicitly for men
- Männerberatung Schleswig-Holstein supports men who have experienced sexual and domestic violence and consists of professionals from different professions. Their services include: Counselling on the phone or by e-mail, stabilisation in a crisis, support and accompaniment in the search for a place in therapy, accompaniment in criminal proceedings and support in an application for victim compensation.
General psychological help
- The team of Kirchenkreise Ostholstein consists of professionals specialising in pastoral care, education and psychology, social counselling and grief counselling. Here people find advice and support in a wide variety of life situations.
Kiel | Distance from Weissenhäuser Strand: approx. 52 km | 4 councelling centres
Victims of violence/crime
- The Weiße Ring e.V. in Kiel is the contact for victim assistance and crime prevention. The trained - voluntary - staff offer competent and targeted human help. Counselling and help are free of charge and, if desired, anonymous.
Help explicitly for women
- The aim of the Frauennotruf Kiel e.V. is to work through the social, psychological and physical consequences of sexualised violence with the women through individual counselling and group offers and to help them develop coping strategies.
- HAKI e.V. is a non-profit association in the field of emancipation of gender diversity, same-sex life forms and diverse sexual orientations with a state-wide offer for Schleswig-Holstein as well as offers with a focus in the state capital Kiel. They offer sound psychosocial counselling on all LGBTIQ* issues.
General psychological help
- The KIELER FENSTER has been supporting and accompanying adult people with mental difficulties and illnesses in Kiel for over 40 years. They offer fast and unbureaucratic support and help in difficult life situations.
Hamburg | Distance from Weissenhäuser Strand: approx. 132 km | 11 councelling centres
Victims of violence/crime
- Opferhilfe Hamburg is a professional crisis counselling centre for adults who are current or past victims of a crimes or accidents. They offer psychological counselling by medical and psychological psychotherapists.
Sexual assault/harassment
- The Dolle Deerns e.V. counselling centre advises sexually abused girls and young women and their female caregivers and confidants.
- Opferhilfe Hamburg offers counselling and psychotherapeutic help for people after current or long-standing experience of sexual violence.
Help explicitly for young people
- Zornrot e.V. supports young people who are or have been confronted with sexualised violence. They offer children and young people of all sexes up to the age of 27 a shelter where they can talk about what they have experienced, stabilise themselves and get information.
Help explicitly for men
- Basis Praevent's counselling services are aimed at boys* and men* who have been victims of sexual violence. The association uses the asterisk* after boys* and men* to reflect social diversity. Sometimes victims develop several separate personalities or "I's". Counselling is also provided in this regard.
Help explicitly for women
- The specialised counselling centre of the Notruf für vergewaltigte Frauen und Mädchen e.V. supports women and girls who have been affected by rape, who are threatened by rape or who have experienced attempted rape. Victims of other forms of sexualised violence - such as sexual coercion or sexual harassment - can also turn to the specialised counselling centre of the Women's Emergency Hotline.
- The three biff counselling centres in Hamburg offer counselling and information for women in difficult life situations, regardless of age, income, origin or sexual orientation.
- The Magnus Hirschfeld Centrum offers a variety of services for gays, lesbians, bisexuals and trans*. The counselling centre provides professional support for all questions and problems related to sexual identity and orientation.
General psychological help
- Caritas in Hamburg offers general social counselling and a telephone counselling service for those seeking help with psychological problems.
- The website of the Chamber of Psychotherapists provides information that gives a first overview regarding the topic of psychotherapy and gives advice on what to do if you are looking for professional treatment.
- The team of the psychodiagnostic counselling practice in Hamburg draws on their experience in couples counselling, family law psychological assessment and/or career counselling in their work, depending on their own focus, so that a diverse background knowledge can be used for the discussions. At the end of the session, clear and realistic goals will be worked out in a way that suits the individual - without overwhelming demands.